
I am a Computational Biologist at the Klarman Cell Observatory at the Broad Institute working with Aviv Regev, Vijay Kuchroo and Ana Anderson. I am involved in the Human Cell Atlas’s efforts on kidney with Anna Greka.

My research focus is on decoding heterogeneity and evolution of states in complex human diseases across scales from cells to systems. I am interested in the design, development, and applications of computational data analyses methods for the understanding of human health and disease, its prevention and treatment. I work at the interface of high-throughput omics, applied statistics and machine learning, and experimental design.

I completed my PhD at Carnegie Mellon University with Russell Schwartz. My dissertation focused on developing computational methods for resolving heterogeneity in high-throughput data from tumors, detecting progression markers, and using these markers for phylogenetic inference. My postdoctoral training was completed at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics, with Curtis Huttenhower and Rafael Irizarry, where I developed probabilistic models of transcriptional activity states from bulk transcriptome sequencing data and approaches for analysis of metagenomic data.

Contact: subraman@broadinstitute.org